Therapeutic Massage Therapy
PainRelief159 is dedicated to providing individuals with a comprehensive range of Medical Manual & Therapeutic Massage Therapy for Specific Acute, Chronic, and Unspecified pain conditions, overall health, Wellness, Stress Relief, and Relaxation massage therapy services. Our focus is on facilitating pain relief, restoring the body, and promoting recovery and rejuvenation of soft tissues while releasing muscle and joint stiffness, tension, soreness, weakness, fatigue, and achiness. Our services promote neuromuscular-rehabilitation & reeducation, cardiovascular health, joint mobilization, flexibility, mobility, sleeping quality, immunity, and postural improvement. We also work to reduce, stress, anxiety, insomnia, PTSD, restrictions, and myofascial pain dysfunction (i.e. fibromyalgia, migraine, headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain, back pain, hip pain, leg, and foot pain, neuropathy, radiculopathy, phenomenon body response with unspecified).
Specialties //
Medical Manual & Therapeutic Massage Therapy
Medical Thai Acupressure Therapy
The Medical Manual & Therapeutic Massage Therapy treatment may involve Assessment & Re-assement, Medical Thai Acupressure Therapy for myofascial pain dysfunction and trigger point release, advanced neuromuscular rehabilitation and reeducation, neuropathy, radiculopathy, soft tissue & scar tissue manipulation, joint mobilization to help Acute, Chronic, and Unspecified pain.
60 minutes. $150
90 minutes. $185
120 minutes. $250
Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage
Lymphatic massage is a form of gentle massage that encourages the movement of lymph fluids around the body. The fluid in the lymphatic system helps remove waste and toxins from the bodily tissues. Some health conditions can cause lymph fluid to build up. Lymphatic drainage massages can benefit people with lymphedema, fibromyalgia, and other conditions.
What are the benefits?
Lymphatic massage can improve circulation and reduce swelling.
While the heart continuously pumps blood through the blood vessels, the lymphatic system relies on the movement of smooth muscles to transport fluid through the lymph vessels. Health conditions can interrupt the normal flow of lymph, causing lymph fluid to build up in a particular area of the body, often in the arms or legs, where it can causing swelling. This condition is called lymphedema. People can develop lymphedema as a result of infections, cancer treatments that involve the removal of lymph nodes, and any condition that damages the lymphatic system.
60 minutes $140
90 minutes $170
120 minutes $220